Hi, I got fed up with all these unbelievers on the internet, so I'm fighting back for Christ! For my inaugural post I'm going to talk about the sanctity of life, something that many people in this world seem to have forgotten about.
Our Christian brothers have been fighting for the rights of the unborn, a battle which unfortunately has taken a turn for the worse now with President Obortion in office. He just undid the good that President Bush did in defending the unborn by allowing the horror of stem cell research to proceed full-steam ahead. It should be obvious by now that fertilized embryos are human beings. Destroying one is just as bad as having an abortion or killing a five-year-old child. Now, unbelievers will try to confuse us by saying "But an embryo has no brain. It's only one cell, it's smaller than a fly's brain. It can't suffer." Whether or not they can suffer doesn't matter, because Scripture tells us the truth. That kind of secular reasoning will only lead one place, and that's straight to Auschwitz!
Which leads me to my next point. We don't kill people in their sleep (just because they can't suffer) and we shouldn't kill babies, born or unborn, just because we think they can't suffer. So if you're an honest Christian who loves Christ in your heart, you know that just because someone has passed away, doesn't mean that we can just do any old thing we want to them. It's the same person. Just because their metabolism has slowed down or stopped and they don't "seem" to suffer doesn't mean Scripture has given us the right to put them in a hole in the ground, or burn them up in an oven (just like at Auschwitz! See, Satan is too proud to hide his face for long!) Now, so-called secular "scientists" will tell you that the functioning of the mind is all just chemistry - that there is no soul that gives us life, so when the chemicals stop, you're dead. But of course with the Christ-centered scientific method, which starts with Scripture, we know the obvious fact that there is a soul, and it's what makes us alive (James 2:26) - but we don't know when the soul departs, do we? It could stay in the body for a hundred years or more, and we know all the dead will rise one day (1 Corinthians 15:16). And there everyone goes, putting dead people in holes or burning them up (like at Auschwitz). Millions of them! When you think about it, it's the crime of the ages! It should therefore not surprise us that the Lord warns us not to disturb corpses (Numbers 19:11).
I hope other true Christians will join with me in stopping this holocaust. While we must protect people at the beginning of their lives (embryos) we must also protect people at the ends of their lives (corpses). Amen.
Karl Priest
5 hours ago
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