The media has everyone so afraid to say it, but not me: scientists and doctors have become full-on enemies of the state. And they'll erode our country's Christian courts any way they can.
A perfect example is doing stem cell research on animals. A fertilized embryo is the same as a human life, and do destroy an embryo is the same as killing a person.
The same morality applies to animals. Would you kick a puppy in the head? No? Then why would you kill one? That's what animal stem cell research is! A canine stem cell is just a really tiny baby puppy!!! American dogs are mostly Christian - why else would they behave themselves? - and no doubt the modern day Mengeles that are trying to cure cancer are interested in killing them for exactly that reason. We're even told that some animals behave in a homosexual manner. What a ridiculous lie, and yet it is being force-fed to our children. Seagulls and dogs are animals, and how could they be sodomites when heterosexuality is the only true natural impulse. Morality comes from Christianity! More Darwinist claptrap.
These scientists and doctors at pharmaceutical companies live in a culture of death and they are trying to find cures without Scripture, and since stem cells have no potential to produce new cures, the only possible reason these secularists could be doing what they're doing is because they want to exterminate all life. I just wish people would wake up to Obama's socialist policies and vote to shut down these companies!
Isaiah 66:3 shows how the sinners deliberately confuse things: "The one who slaughters a bull also strikes down a man; the one who sacrifices a lamb also breaks a dog’s neck; the one who presents an offering includes pig’s blood with it; the one who offers incense also praises an idol." So start with dogs, finish with people. That's the secular way.
Karl Priest
6 hours ago
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