Is there any sense left in the world?
Somtimes I think it's too late to bring people back to Christ. I know we're always supposed to be Christian soldiers but it's very hard sometimes. Here's one reason: our oil shortages, and our inability to find oil right here in America, are caused by the secular geologists hired by Big Oil.
Of course we can't expect the media to admit this. It's convenient isn't it: oil causes global warming, and we're running out, so we have to stop using it. It's all an excuse for these brainwashed geologists conditioned to ignore Scripture, who can't ever find any oil so it's no surprise that they're always looking in the wrong places for it. They sure have a lot of fancy equipment to find oil deposits - but then why are we paying two dollars a gallon? Unbelievably, these supposed experts still believe the widely discredited theory that the world is billions of years old, and that oil is made out of dead dinosaurs. (One particularly brazen oil company even uses a dinosaur for its logo). Oh yes, they do find oil occasionally - and a broken clock is right twice a day too!
What's the worst part of all of this? People who think they're Christians invest their retirement money in these very same companies. That's right - people who go to church on Sunday then turn around and give thousands of dollars to companies that go out looking for oil, based on Charles Darwin's extremist, anti-Christian, and disproven views. Is it any wonder the stock market has collapsed?
If you talk to real, Christ-centered geologists, they know where to find oil. But no one will hire them because of the Darwinian brainwashing that goes on today in our universities. And now with Obama in office, you know it'll just get worse. It's time for some Christ-centered geologists from some universities that teach the Truth - like Oral Roberts University, or Liberty University - to get us out of this mess by starting their oil exploration with faith in the Word and putting together a business plan. After all, we can think of many examples of graduates of these institutions have a long history of using their teachings to make contributions to the American economy and business through Christ-centered research. It is only when we stop using Darwinism and its culture of death to find oilthat we will truly uncover the rewards of the Lord's bounty.
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