Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Adrienne Gilbert Botching Kent Hovind's Defense

Kent Hovind is a strong Christian and a true American hero who is advancing true Christ-centered science, so it's no surprise that Obama's goons arrested him and threw him in jail.

What is even worse is the bad job that Adrienne Gilbert is doing coordinating his legal defense. Many of you have no doubt received her well-intentioned but confused request for support, which contains the following list:

Summary of needs:
$25,000-$35,000 in the next 2-3 weeks
specific prayer
lots of publicity about the problems with this case

You have to work pretty hard not to miss the prayer in the middle there!

What Adrienne would remember if she had the Word in her heart is that all we need is prayer. $35,000 and publicity means nothing to the Lord. If you're a real Christian with Jesus in your heart, you won't waste our time sending money and working to garner publicity for this, because we need faith and not works (James 2:17); and because if we believe, whatever we ask in prayer will be given (Matthew 21:22).

So Christians, if you believe, then let's pray for Kent Hovind!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Moronic Jackass Of The Week: Michael Shermer

As you know there are several groups working to bring down American from within. One is the Cult of Scientology, which believes that giant clam creatures deposited immortal aliens on Earth and that's what makes us sick today (really, I am not making that up!) Somehow they're so brainwashed that they can't see how absurd this is. But much scarier, there is also an extremist fringe of so-called secular scientists who believe in the discredited godless account of Charles Darwin, but enough minds have been poisoned by his work and I'm not going into it here.

Recently the Darwinist lackey Michael Shermer visited the Creation Museum in Cincinnati. Shermer is the owner of Skeptic Magazine. There are many names that Darwinists use for themselves: skeptic, or secularist (notice how many of them start with an "s", almost like the hissing of a serpent? The devil is too proud to conceal himself for long.) When you ask them for evidence, these snake-oil salesmen show you bones in the ground, or DNA evidence that even a child knows is nonsense. Even with the Scriptural truth right in front of him. "Wisdom is directly in front of the discerning person, but the eyes of a fool run to the ends of the earth." (Proverbs 17:24) For it is the glory of earthly kings to conceal a matter, but the glory of God to search it out. (Proverbs 25:2)

How could this charlatan avoided being touched in his heart by the Lord? There's a trick they've developed, and are trying to train our kids. He actually asked her for proof! Can you imagine!?!?! In the Christ-centered Scentific Method, we know first and foremost that the Bible is the literal word of God, and that's all you need to know. I don't know whether to be angry at him or just sad that he insists on evidence for his beliefs, for the righteous live by faith (Romans 1:17). I know on That Day I will be ready, but with these kinds of idiotic questions Shermer will not.

Maybe my words seem a little extreme, but the time is short. We Christians have to be brave, and there is no extremism in the Lord. I hear people complaining about the market being down, but I don't have to look at my 401k statement - I know the Lord has taken care of me, and if I need proof, then I don't have faith. The Word and the Light is in Scripture, and I hope everyone could see that God's only son died for us - and for you.

Enemies of the State

The media has everyone so afraid to say it, but not me: scientists and doctors have become full-on enemies of the state. And they'll erode our country's Christian courts any way they can.

A perfect example is doing stem cell research on animals. A fertilized embryo is the same as a human life, and do destroy an embryo is the same as killing a person.

The same morality applies to animals. Would you kick a puppy in the head? No? Then why would you kill one? That's what animal stem cell research is! A canine stem cell is just a really tiny baby puppy!!! American dogs are mostly Christian - why else would they behave themselves? - and no doubt the modern day Mengeles that are trying to cure cancer are interested in killing them for exactly that reason. We're even told that some animals behave in a homosexual manner. What a ridiculous lie, and yet it is being force-fed to our children. Seagulls and dogs are animals, and how could they be sodomites when heterosexuality is the only true natural impulse. Morality comes from Christianity! More Darwinist claptrap.

These scientists and doctors at pharmaceutical companies live in a culture of death and they are trying to find cures without Scripture, and since stem cells have no potential to produce new cures, the only possible reason these secularists could be doing what they're doing is because they want to exterminate all life. I just wish people would wake up to Obama's socialist policies and vote to shut down these companies!

Isaiah 66:3 shows how the sinners deliberately confuse things: "The one who slaughters a bull also strikes down a man; the one who sacrifices a lamb also breaks a dog’s neck; the one who presents an offering includes pig’s blood with it; the one who offers incense also praises an idol." So start with dogs, finish with people. That's the secular way.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Don't Believe the Media - There is No Oil Shortage

Is there any sense left in the world?

Somtimes I think it's too late to bring people back to Christ. I know we're always supposed to be Christian soldiers but it's very hard sometimes. Here's one reason: our oil shortages, and our inability to find oil right here in America, are caused by the secular geologists hired by Big Oil.

Of course we can't expect the media to admit this. It's convenient isn't it: oil causes global warming, and we're running out, so we have to stop using it. It's all an excuse for these brainwashed geologists conditioned to ignore Scripture, who can't ever find any oil so it's no surprise that they're always looking in the wrong places for it. They sure have a lot of fancy equipment to find oil deposits - but then why are we paying two dollars a gallon? Unbelievably, these supposed experts still believe the widely discredited theory that the world is billions of years old, and that oil is made out of dead dinosaurs. (One particularly brazen oil company even uses a dinosaur for its logo). Oh yes, they do find oil occasionally - and a broken clock is right twice a day too!

What's the worst part of all of this? People who think they're Christians invest their retirement money in these very same companies. That's right - people who go to church on Sunday then turn around and give thousands of dollars to companies that go out looking for oil, based on Charles Darwin's extremist, anti-Christian, and disproven views. Is it any wonder the stock market has collapsed?

If you talk to real, Christ-centered geologists, they know where to find oil. But no one will hire them because of the Darwinian brainwashing that goes on today in our universities. And now with Obama in office, you know it'll just get worse. It's time for some Christ-centered geologists from some universities that teach the Truth - like Oral Roberts University, or Liberty University - to get us out of this mess by starting their oil exploration with faith in the Word and putting together a business plan. After all, we can think of many examples of graduates of these institutions have a long history of using their teachings to make contributions to the American economy and business through Christ-centered research. It is only when we stop using Darwinism and its culture of death to find oilthat we will truly uncover the rewards of the Lord's bounty.

Intelligent Drift

While I was out for a walk in my town today, and I was looking around at the trees and the clouds and how everything is arranged for us by the Lord, it hit me. The positions of the continents could not be the result of a "random" process. It's nonsense to believe a random process could have given the proper results. The continents would all have ended up in different positions instead of in the right place. Antarctica could have ended up with forests! Half of North America could have been covered in glaciers that ended up leaving their scars all over the landscape. Imagine!

So-called secular scientists have an agenda and have been pushing their revisionist history of "plate tectonics" on our kids for years. This is just one more example of their attempt to turn America into an even more immoral place. There couldn't be a more obvious link than the one between the theory of plate tectonics and homosexuality! But clearly the continents could only have arrived in their correct positions by an intelligent guiding force. And what could this force be? In Genesis 11:8, clearly it's not just the people, but the lands which are being scattered after the fall of the Tower of Babel. Of course, Muslims quote a bunch of fairy tales from their "Qu'ran" to explain this, but we know the real story. And to suggest otherwise would erode the foundations of morality, which must be the real agenda of the plate tectonics fringe element that's currently invading America's Earth science classrooms. If the shape of the world were really random, there would be no reason not to murder people just because you feel like it. Think about it!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Inaugural Post: Defend the Christian Rights of the Deceased.

Hi, I got fed up with all these unbelievers on the internet, so I'm fighting back for Christ! For my inaugural post I'm going to talk about the sanctity of life, something that many people in this world seem to have forgotten about.

Our Christian brothers have been fighting for the rights of the unborn, a battle which unfortunately has taken a turn for the worse now with President Obortion in office. He just undid the good that President Bush did in defending the unborn by allowing the horror of stem cell research to proceed full-steam ahead. It should be obvious by now that fertilized embryos are human beings. Destroying one is just as bad as having an abortion or killing a five-year-old child. Now, unbelievers will try to confuse us by saying "But an embryo has no brain. It's only one cell, it's smaller than a fly's brain. It can't suffer." Whether or not they can suffer doesn't matter, because Scripture tells us the truth. That kind of secular reasoning will only lead one place, and that's straight to Auschwitz!

Which leads me to my next point. We don't kill people in their sleep (just because they can't suffer) and we shouldn't kill babies, born or unborn, just because we think they can't suffer. So if you're an honest Christian who loves Christ in your heart, you know that just because someone has passed away, doesn't mean that we can just do any old thing we want to them. It's the same person. Just because their metabolism has slowed down or stopped and they don't "seem" to suffer doesn't mean Scripture has given us the right to put them in a hole in the ground, or burn them up in an oven (just like at Auschwitz! See, Satan is too proud to hide his face for long!) Now, so-called secular "scientists" will tell you that the functioning of the mind is all just chemistry - that there is no soul that gives us life, so when the chemicals stop, you're dead. But of course with the Christ-centered scientific method, which starts with Scripture, we know the obvious fact that there is a soul, and it's what makes us alive (James 2:26) - but we don't know when the soul departs, do we? It could stay in the body for a hundred years or more, and we know all the dead will rise one day (1 Corinthians 15:16). And there everyone goes, putting dead people in holes or burning them up (like at Auschwitz). Millions of them! When you think about it, it's the crime of the ages! It should therefore not surprise us that the Lord warns us not to disturb corpses (Numbers 19:11).

I hope other true Christians will join with me in stopping this holocaust. While we must protect people at the beginning of their lives (embryos) we must also protect people at the ends of their lives (corpses). Amen.