I was thinking about this. We have to do what we can to keep America from falling to the Darwinists, and if keeping kids from getting programmed in math and science classes means the end of our competitiveness in the business world, then that's the price we pay to be Godly. We have to be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to Christ - our economy.
So why don't we let the Muslim countries teach their kids evolution? In fact, why don't we make them!
I mean it. Why don't we take over the Muslims, then send in the atheists who love Islam so much to teach their kids evolution. Everyone wins! The atheists get to teach about their god Darwin, we get rid of the atheists (who aren't real Americans anyway) and the liberal atheists get to visit "a diverse culture". Of course the Muslims probably already teach their kids Darwinism since both are branches of Satanism anyway. In fact I heard that in Iran they include Origin of the Species as part of the Qu'ran!
We have to be ready to make some tough choices. When some people see pictures like these of the Detroit school district, you might feel sad. But not me. Because I'll tell you what: those kids are better off on the street instead of being indoctrinated with Darwinism by the Trotskyists who run the schools. How do we expect our economy to recover with all the kids getting indoctrinated in math and science class? GM collapsed because kids are getting brainwashed. They count dollars and learn engineering instead of praying, and lack of prayer will destroy an organization in no time flat. Just like with GM.
So if you like the idea of making the Muslims learn Darwin, as a way of destroying their culture jfrom within, then leave a comment of support below.
Karl Priest
17 hours ago
Christians are so hopelessly stupid it's difficult to tell if this article is satire or not.