Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Young Earth Creationism at Conservapedia

Now normally I like Conservapedia, because it's one of the few neutral, non-biased sources of information on the web. However I take issue with its article on Young Earth Creationism, or YEC for short.

Namely: what's this justification of the theory by mentioning thermodynamics? If it's in Scripture, it is by definition true, and requires no justification. Why do you need any correlation with the outside world at all (You can walk in his Word about this on May first). People: read the Bible! That's the only place that has truth. How is it so hard to understand??!?!?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How to Sabotage Medicine

Two fictions that have sabotaged American medicine from the get-go:

1) Darwinism
2) Germ theory of disease

As a result we have to pay more and more for less and less, and medicine has been getting worse and worse. Be honest - have you ever seen DNA? Of course not. Even a child knows it's ridiculous. Really, I would love for our hospitals to go back to how they were in the 1600s - truly Christ-centered. Medicine was still good. If you got sick back then, prayer was your medicine. Now, a medical student can become a doctor without ever learning how to pray. How must it feel to be slipping out of consciousness before open-heart surgery and looking up at the surgeon, knowing that he would rely on his scalpel and his skill during the procedure, instead of praying for you?

Muslims Must Love Darwin

I was thinking about this. We have to do what we can to keep America from falling to the Darwinists, and if keeping kids from getting programmed in math and science classes means the end of our competitiveness in the business world, then that's the price we pay to be Godly. We have to be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to Christ - our economy.

So why don't we let the Muslim countries teach their kids evolution? In fact, why don't we make them!

I mean it. Why don't we take over the Muslims, then send in the atheists who love Islam so much to teach their kids evolution. Everyone wins! The atheists get to teach about their god Darwin, we get rid of the atheists (who aren't real Americans anyway) and the liberal atheists get to visit "a diverse culture". Of course the Muslims probably already teach their kids Darwinism since both are branches of Satanism anyway. In fact I heard that in Iran they include Origin of the Species as part of the Qu'ran!

We have to be ready to make some tough choices. When some people see pictures like these of the Detroit school district, you might feel sad. But not me. Because I'll tell you what: those kids are better off on the street instead of being indoctrinated with Darwinism by the Trotskyists who run the schools. How do we expect our economy to recover with all the kids getting indoctrinated in math and science class? GM collapsed because kids are getting brainwashed. They count dollars and learn engineering instead of praying, and lack of prayer will destroy an organization in no time flat. Just like with GM.

So if you like the idea of making the Muslims learn Darwin, as a way of destroying their culture jfrom within, then leave a comment of support below.

A Return to Our Foundations

Society is getting more and more violent, and with less religion all the time, is it any wonder?

Of the many smear campaigns made up by the kind of people who give "reality" dominance over Scripture, perhaps the most insidious is the one about the history of Christian scientific discovery. For one thing, it is well known that this idea that we Christians ever believed the Earth was flat is a blatant lie. We always knew it was round, and you can tell because in Matthew 4:8 we are told "Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor".

But the campaigns of vitriolic atheists like Copernicus and Galileo would confuse Christians with ridiculous, Christ-defying ideas that the sun was the center of the universe, not the Earth, and even more ridiculous, that Jupiter has "moons". The Earth is the center of the universe; therefore all things must orbit the Earth; therefore nothing can orbit Jupiter instead of the Earth. It couldn't be simpler! And if Jupiter has moons, where are they? Why has no one seen them since then? Fortunately Galileo lived in a just world where dangerous people like him could be arrested, but today scientific criminals claim "freedom of speech", and look where it's gotten us - a world with abortion on demand! A world where people can talk about "gravity fields" with a straight face. So then why doesn't the moon crash into the Earth? Why do the clouds stay in th sky? Their brainwashing doesn't work on everyone!

Another fabrication is that the so-called germ theory of disease was an invention of secular medicine in the nineteenth century but only the most Satan-blinded unbeliever swallows this. In fact they already had this wisdom from the Lord in the Old Testament. Deuteronomy 28:60: "He will infect you with all the diseases of Egypt that you dreaded, and they will persistently afflict you." If the Hebrews didn't know about germs, how could they have known the word "infect"? No, so-called modern "medicine" is just one more sign of man turning away from God, and sin, which makes us mortal, goes back to Adam and Eve.

One final thing - and the audacity here is breathtaking - is the secular scientific elite's attempt to redefine reality itself. They might think they can overpower the Lord's design, but their arrogance has blinded them. So I'm going to say it one more time, even though it's in 1 Kings 7:23 for all to see: pi is 3. Not 3.1415; not 22/7. It's 3. If the Bible says it, then that's what it is. If you don't understand this, you don't have faith. I don't care what all their equations and rulers and textbooks say. Either the Bible is the word of God, or it's not. And it's the word of God. So pi is 3.

In closing, we live in a sad world, where Christian America is collapsing around us, and it's all because of the brainwashing of secular science. Without them we could live in paradise like medieval Europe, but they've clogged our brains and souls up with their crazy theories about astronomy and medicine. These modern "theories" are just tricks to lead us straight to darkness. We must be strong and remember that the Lord Our God will judge us on That Day, and remember that the only Truth is to be found in Scripture.

Christ-Centered Astronomy

I am pleased to report that I have found a great website by a Christian who really "gets it". It is called Geocentricity, and proves that the astronomy and geology of the Bible is 100% correct! They say:

This site is devoted to the historical relationship between the Bible and astronomy. It assumes that whenever the two are at variance, it is always astronomy—that is, our "reading" of the "Book of Nature," not our reading of the Holy Bible—that is wrong. History bears consistent witness to the truth of that stance.

That proves that if there seems to be a conflict with what you see with your own eyes, and what you read in the Bible, well it is the Bible that is right and your eyes that are wrong!!!! I will certainly be visiting this website a lot.

Day of Moving in the Spirit

The First of May is the Day of Moving in the Spirit. What this means: do you trust in Scripture? I mean, really trust in Scripture as the Word?

For all of us who love the Lord and I trust Him with our whole heart, on the first of May, have complete faith. Your eyes can only distract you from His Truth - so as much as possible, try to get through your day with your eyes closed. I am not speaking metaphorically here. I mean, with your eyes closed - because Jesus is there next to you, and He will guide you.

Scary? Not at all! If you move in the Spirit you'll know that this is just one more step in your walk with the Lord.

Spread the word about the Day of Moving in the Spirit!